Marley's Toko Trackers
Hi! This is my new way of keeping organized with all my tokos since DA journals are a bit funky.
The project tab shows what I'm working on to help keep me on track with what I should be working on next. I've added a place to keep the timeline of my different storylines and link to different pictures. There's also a quick synopsis so you don't have to read the whole thing. My handlers tab has a subtab for each of the handlers I have stories for; it's mostly just a place for refs though. My tokos tab is the bread and butter of this google website and will have all the tokos I have art for or need to keep track of. For now I'll only have a tab for them if they have art. They'll mostly be divided up by handler.
***For any picture if it has been posted on DA it will be clickable***
***For any picture if it has been posted on DA it will be clickable***