Other maps of interest

Further maps and interesting projects are shown below.


Flow map to visualise spatial movement over time

A flow map is not only very asthetically pleasing but also ideal for displaying movement over time, so that readers can quickly grasp the dominant spatial patterns.


Bivariate map shows relationship between two variables

Areas with a high population and low amount of street trees are likely to be more vulnerable to heat waves. Through the use of a bivariate map both variables can be mapped together and areas of higher risk can be identified.


Planning public green spaces in Tartu

During this project we aimed to transform Vana-Ihaste, which is part of Tartu, into a "15-minute city". As a part of that we wanted to improve the design of public green spaces there, as shown here.


Glacial retreat map

I mapped the retreat of the Aldegondabreen glacier on Svalbard, Norway and quantified its retreat and retreat rate over time. Those values could then be compare to the retreat of other glaciers in this region.