Conferences and Meetings 2020

Invited speaker at Conference V Congreso de Jóvenes Investigadores

Castelló 2020 (January 2020)

GTA Gran Bilbao II - Bilbao (February 2020)

Conference Groups and dynamics

Les Diablerets, Switzerland (March 2020)

Rest of the year: Covid19

Conferences and seminars (online, unfortunately!)

  • Invited speaker at New Directions in Group Theory and Triangulated Categories, University of Manchester (November 2020)

  • Contributed talk at Ural Workshop on Group Theory and Combinatorics August 2020)

  • Invited seminar at University of Bath (October 2020)

  • Invited seminar at Al@Bicocca, University of Milano-Bicocca (June 2020)

  • Invited seminar at University of Geneva (May 2020)

PhD Course taught (online, again!)

  • October 2020: Groups of automorphisms of rooted trees: an overview, North British Geometric Group Theory Lectures (with awarded grant of the London Mathematical Society)