Philosophi sunt quodammodo pictores atque poetae

(Philosophers are in a way painters and poets)

Giordano Bruno, Explicatio

I am not a painter, but an amateur photographer (here is my Flickr account).

A friend called me a "photo-sopher", a photographer-philosopher. Indeed, my philosophical path has reinforced and directed my photographic research.

A photograph is an image that shows us the form of an object as it appears to our senses - or as the latter are able to perceive it. Through my photographic work I try to show how this form, in addition to being seen, can be re-created and imagined differently. Quite often I try to create a disorientation in the observer, pushing her to find new and surprising meanings, sometimes very far from the fragment of the world I captured. I think that even subjects less evocative or trivial can offer poetic moments.

My passion for the visual has led me to play with images in academic contexts (e.g., I am the editor of the SublimAE website, I have been the visual curator of a TEDxHUBerlin).

In the spare time, I also write some poetry, but... solo in italiano. Nella mia produzione poetica amo provare "tecniche miste" - odi (es., "Ode al bidè"), sonetti (es., "Ascolto").

Dalla poesia alla prosa è un passo: fresco di stampa è Torna indietro appena puoi (People 2022), un giallo scritto a quattro mani con mia madre.