Academic Biography

In January 2021, I joined the Institut Jean Nicod (Paris) as a maîtresse de conférences (associate professor) of the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (where I have been elected by the Electoral Assembly in September 2020). I am a member of the IJN research team "PRISME - Perception, Representation, Imagination, Space, Memory, Emotion".

I have been a member of the interdisciplinary project SublimAE (“The Sublime and Aesthetic Experiences”, ANR-18-CE27-0023-01). 

I have been an Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow at the Department of Philosophy at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and associated member of the What if? research group (2016/2018).

During the academic year 2015-2016 I was a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Geneva (Department of Philosophy and Swiss Center for Affective Sciences) within the Thumos research group as holder of a Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship for Foreign Scholars.

Previously I was post-doctoral researcher at the Institut Jean Nicod. At the same Institute I had been a member of the research team “Consciousness and the self” and held a Research Fellowship (2012-2013) in the FICTION project (“Fiction in emotion”, ANR-11-EMCO-0008), an interdisciplinary project at the interface between philosophy and neuropsychology.

At the Institut Jean Nicod and the University Pierre and Marie Curie - UPMC (merged in Sorbonne University since 2018) I qualified as Doctor (2011) in Philosophy and Cognitive sciences under the supervision of Jérôme Dokic. During my PhD, I have been Visiting Fellow at the Department of Philosophy of the University of Sussex, Brighton (February – May 2011).

I graduated in Philosophy at Roma Tre University (B.Sc. 2006, Master 2008) under the supervision of Mauro Dorato and Massimo Marraffa.