Dprime and SDT

Function to compute Accuracy for SDT (hit,miss,cr,fa) and dprime:

# Function where x is Target (1 present 0 absent) and y is accuracy (1 correct 0 incorrect trial)

SDT_Classifier <- function(x, y) {
   performance <-rep(NA, length(x))    #define empty performance vector
   performance[x ==1 & y == 1] <- "Hit"
   performance[x==0 & y == 1] <- "Cr"
   performance[x== 1 & y == 0 ] <- "Miss"
   performance[x== 0 & y == 0] <- "FA"
Performance_vector <- SDT_Classifier(df$Target, df$ACC) #this applies the function and #generates a vector that you can bind on the df

newdf <- cbind(df, Performance_vector)

#Now you can use the awesome dplyr to compute the performance rate per participant/per #condition.

Perf_Rate <- newdf %>% 
             group_by(SubjID, Condition) %>%
             summarise(no_Hit = sum(Performance_vector == "Hit"), 
                       no_Fa = sum(Performance_vector == "FA"), 
                       no_Miss= sum(Performance_vector == "Miss"), 
                       no_CR = sum(Performance_vector == "Cr"))   

After that as a resource for computing dprime and criterion I suggest the awesome package Psycho (Makowski, 2018).

#here an example, his function dprime computes parametric and non parametric dprime and #Criterion


dprime <- dprime(Perf_Rate$no_Hit,Perf_Rate$no_Fa,Perf_Rate$no_Miss,Perf_Rate$no_CR) 

Perf_Rate <- cbind(Perf_Rate, dprime) #bind this to your dataframe.