Predictive processing of scene layout depends on naturalistic depth of field

In this page are linked paradigm demonstrations, stimuli, and data related to the investigation of Boundary Extension and depth of field.

The JS code related to these experiments may be available upon request.

1) Demonstration of Experiment 1 - Ratings of aperture of Bainbridge and Baker (2020) photographs.

2) Demonstration of pilot experiment - RSVP experiment with controlled photographs for aperture.

3) Demonstration of Experiment 2, 3 and 4 - View change detection paradigm. The paradigm was the same for both experiments. The example uses the stimuli of Experiment 3 (Shined stimuli).

4) Download Stimuli here

5) Poster related to this project presented at ECVP 2021

6) Video walkthrough of the poster presented at ECVP 2021