
My teaching is directly fuelled by my research activities, and it includes:

The main contents of the courses I have been teaching include: 

For my teaching at Leiden University, see https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/staffmembers/marco-cinelli#tab-2

The table below summarizes the teaching I have delivered since 2014.

Highlight: MCDA course 

The most comprehensive overview of my teaching strategy and contents so far is the course I developed on the MCDA process and exemplary case studies, which I ran in May 2018 at the University of Warwick, UK.

This course was also endorsed by the International Federation of Biomedical Engineering, which decided to upload my lectures and videos on their eLearning platform to emphasize the key role of MCDA in multidisciplinary research.

Some of the students that attended my MCDA course at the University of Warwick, May 2018