
Blog posts

Fuelling the tail: inflation- and GDP-at-Risk with oil-supply shocks. With Simon Lloyd and Ed Manuel. Bank Underground post, August 2023.

Unknown measures: assessing uncertainty around UK inflation using a new Inflation-at-Risk model. With Niki Anesti, Marco Garofalo, Ed Manuel and Julian Reynolds. Bank Underground post, July 2023. 

How have households’ spending expectations changed since last year? With Alice Crundwell and Charles Nourse. Bank Overground post, June 2021.

Does deglobalisation make economies more resilient to recessions? Bank Underground post, May 2021. [Coverage: The Daily Telegraph]

How has Covid affected household savings? With Charles Nourse and James Tasker. Bank Overground post, November 2020.

No Island is an ‘Island’ in the Age of GVCs. With Tommaso Aquilante and Enrico Longoni. Bank Underground post, June 2019. [Coverage: Bloomberg]

Selected contributions to speeches

The economic landscape: structural change, global R * and the missing-investment puzzle. Speech by Andrew Bailey, July 2022.

Monetary policy in the intangible economy. Speech by Jonathan Haskel, February 2020.

An end-of-year retrospective on the UK outlook and monetary policy. Speech by Jonathan Haskel, December 2019.

What’s going on? Uncertain data and uncertain outcomes. Speech given by Martin Weale, May 2016.