Testing Algorithms

Once you have an algorithm you would like to try, do these steps to see how it would have scored in prior years.

Insert Columns

To insert an empty column into the spreadsheet, right click column label (letter above column) and choose "insert 1 right" or "insert 1 left". This will allow us to create functions and score our algorithm, but remember to do it on a duplicated sheet!

Create Functions

Now that you know how to insert columns, this video demonstrates how to insert a function! You could use this to enter an algrithm that uses "3-pointers made" divided by 10, and then add in "Wins"

Make sure you are familiar with dragging down functions as it will save you a lot of time! Refer again to the Google Sheets Tips site for further learning.

**We can also use functions to create another stat to view and use. For example, we can create "Win Percentage" by creating a column, and taking "Wins" divided by "Game Count", which could then be used in an algorithm.