Calculating Score

Trial and Error: Now that you have had a chance to look through stats, the best way to find a successful combination of stats is by trying out a variety of algorithms on prior tournaments. We know there is no perfect algorithm, but we can try and find a consistent one. The reason we copied the document and duplicated sheets is so that when we find an algorithm that does not work, we can simply delete the sheet and try again!

Score=Tourney Wins*Rank + Cinderella*Tourney Wins*5

To calculate the points from each team, take their "rank" times the "number of tournament wins" (Rank 10 gets 3 wins in the tournament-3*10=30 points). We get 5 points for a win by a cinderella team, so take the "cinderella" column times the "number of tournament wins" times 5. We do this because if they're not a cinderella, or they don't get any wins, the value will multiply by 0, and no bonus points will be awarded. If a cinderella team gets more than one win, the bonus goes up (10 for win #2, 15 for win #3, etc.), but that is rare enough that it is easier to manually calculate that situation.

Lastly, type "=SUM(" and then highlight the cells of the 10 scores, and Sheets will total the score for you! Generally, 130+ points is good, 160+ is great, and any score near 200 is spectacular.