Noob Mods

  • A trope in the Marble Blast community is the eager newcomer who, after seeing the success of Marble Blast Platinum and PlatinumQuest as fan-made mods, tries to start another mod of their own, usually without any prior experience in design, game development, level making, or Marble Blast itself. These are what are referred to mockingly as "noob mods".

  • Usually, these mods fizzle out after only a couple days or weeks, when their creators realize that they underestimated the amount of boring work involved. Over the years, the community has become increasingly annoyed with this trend. Generally, when a new mod is announced nowadays, it is met with a lot of backlash, and posts explaining exactly how difficult modding is, and how many people have tried and failed before. In particular, noby is known for having made a few very detailed posts discouraging people from trying to make mods without experience.

  • In very rare cases, these noob mods have become full-sized projects that go through many iterations, and eventually become both successful and completely unrecognizable from their starting point. Examples of this include Marble Blast Emerald and Marble Blast Super. These cases are extremely uncommon, though, compared to the graveyard of literally dozens of failed mods whose naive announcement threads can be found piled up on the forums.

Further Reading