
MB History

  • Highly skilled player, has notable WRs across the LBs.

  • Made his splash in late 2017, by beating HiGuy's crazy traplaunch WR on Despair.

  • Currently holds the second largest amount of world records on the Leaderboards, he has hovered around 80-90 in total since early on this year.

  • Pulled a Xeef in September 2018 by attempting to quit the game and asked to be banned from the leaderboards. He returned to the community a little later in the year.

Community History

  • Used to be one of the most active chatters on Discord.

  • Promoted to moderator in February 2020, following the ways of hPerks of getting promoted from banned to moderator.

  • Host of the Community Trivia Night in the MB Discord server, taking place on the 15th of every month, although this sometimes changes depending on the timing.

Despair, a level that DKman finished in under 10 seconds.