
MB History

  • Creator of Marble Blast Fubar.

  • Very well known for managing numerous events (such as Labor Day Madness and Memorial Day Mayhem), as well as handing out achievements, titles, and flairs to participants.

Community History

  • Administrator since [when?].

Relevant Memes

  • Fluent in corporatese, sometimes mocked for his cheery PR persona.

  • Has a long-time girlfriend who he married in October of 2019, rumoured to be clingy and overbearing, and the reason for his relative inactivity in the community in recent years.

  • His YouTube channel has some funny old promo videos for Marble Blast Fubar with background music that will make your ears bleed.

  • Everyone misspells his name as “Aaryl”.

Screenshot from Marble Blast Fubar.