Vision Mission of the Department
To bring forth technically versatile, Research oriented, Industry ready engineers in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Facilitate modern infrastructure and versatile learning resources to produce self-sustainable professionals
Facilitate project based learning and skill upgradation through industry collaborations
Inculcate professional ethics, leadership qualities and practice lifelong learning
Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs):
PSO1: Graduates will have the ability to adapt, contribute and innovate ideas in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
PSO2: To provide a concrete foundation and enrich their abilities to qualify for Employment, Higher studies and Research in various domains of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning such as Data Science, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing with Ethical Values.
PSO3: Graduates will acquire the practical proficiency with niche technologies and open-source platforms and to become Entrepreneur in the domain Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs):
PEO1: Attain proficiency in professional practice
PEO2: Practice technical skills to identify, analyze and solve complex problems related to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
PEO3: Emerge as an Individual or a team member with societal concerns, ethics and motivated for holistic learning.
List of Experiments
Lesson Plan

Materials for In-depth Knowledge