Vision and Mission of the Department


To bring forth technically versatile, Research oriented, Industry ready engineers in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.


Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs):

PSO1: Graduates will have the ability to adapt, contribute and innovate ideas in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

PSO2: To provide a concrete foundation and enrich their abilities to qualify for Employment, Higher studies and Research in various domains of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning such as Data Science, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing with Ethical Values.

PSO3: Graduates will acquire the practical proficiency with niche technologies and open-source platforms and to become Entrepreneur in the domain Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs):

PEO1: Attain proficiency in professional practice

PEO2: Practice technical skills to identify, analyze and solve complex problems related to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

PEO3: Emerge as an Individual or a team member with societal concerns, ethics and motivated for holistic learning.

About the Course

Features of JAVA Language:

Java was conceived by James Gosling, Patrick Naughton, Chris Warth, Ed Frank, and Mike Sheridan at Sun Microsystems, Inc. in 1991. It took 18 months to develop the first working version. This language was initially called “Oak,” but was renamed “Java” in 1995. 

Java is a high-level, object-oriented, platform-independent and secure programming language. One of the most important factors in the java programming language is its Bytecode conversion. Byte codes in Java are a highly optimized set of instructions designed to be executed by Java Virtual Machine. JVM works as an interpreter for the byte code. 

Java is used in various application developments following are some real-time applications of Java:


Module 1

Enumerations, Autoboxing and Annotations(metadata): Enumerations, Enumeration fundamentals, the values () and valueOf() Methods, java enumerations are class types, enumerations Inherits Enum, example, type wrappers, Autoboxing, Autoboxing and Methods, Autoboxing/Unboxing occurs in Expressions, Autoboxing/Unboxing, Boolean and character values, Autoboxing/Unboxing helps prevent errors, A word of Warning. Annotations, Annotation basics, specifying retention policy, Obtaining Annotations at run time by use of reflection, Annotated element Interface, Using Default values, Marker Annotations, Single Member annotations, Built-In annotations.

Module 2

The collections and Framework: Collections Overview, Recent Changes to Collections, The Collection Interfaces, The Collection Classes, accessing a collection Via an Iterator, Storing User Defined Classes in Collections, The Random Access Interface, Working with Maps, Comparators, The Collection Algorithms, Why Generic Collections? The legacy Classes and Interfaces, Parting Thoughts on Collections

Module 3

String Handling: The String Constructors, String Length, Special String Operations, String Literals, String Concatenation, String Concatenation with Other Data Types, String  Conversion and toString( ) Character Extraction, charAt( ), getChars( ), getBytes( ) toCharArray(), String Comparison, equals( ) and equalsIgnoreCase( ), regionMatches( ) startsWith( ) and endsWith( ), equals( ) Versus ==, compareTo( ) Searching Strings,

Modifying a String, substring( ), concat( ), replace( ), trim( ), Data Conversion Using valueOf( ), Changing the Case of Characters Within a String, Additional String Methods, StringBuffer, StringBuffer Constructors, length( ) and capacity( ), ensureCapacity( ), setLength( ), charAt( ) and setCharAt( ), getChars( ),append( ), insert( ), reverse( ), delete( ) and deleteCharAt( ), replace( ), substring( ), Additional StringBuffer Methods,  StringBuilder.

Module 4

Getting Started with Android Programming: What is Android? Features of Android, Android Architecture, obtaining the required tools, launching your first android application Activities, Fragments and Intents: Understanding activities, linking activities using intents, fragments.

Module 5

Getting to know the Android User Interface: Views and ViewGroups, FrameLayout, LinearLayout, TableLayout, RelativeLayout, ScrollView

Designing User Interface with Views: TextView view – Button, ImageButton, EditText, Checkbox, ToggleButton, RadioButton and RadioGroupViews.

Creating and using Databases: Creating the DBAdapter Helper class, using the database programmatically.

Lesson Plan



Module - 1.pdf


Module - 2.pdf


Module - 3.pdf


Module - 4.pdf


Module - 5.pdf




