Vision and Mission of the Department


To bring forth technically versatile, Research oriented, Industry ready engineers in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.


Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs):

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs):

About the Course

Facts about AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) is intelligence demonstrated by machines, as opposed to the natural intelligence displayed by animals and humans. AI research has been defined as the field of study of intelligent agents, which refers to any system that perceives its environment and takes actions that maximize its chance of achieving its goals. 

The term "artificial intelligence" had previously been used to describe machines that mimic and display "human" cognitive skills that are associated with the human mind, such as "learning" and "problem-solving". This definition has since been rejected by major AI researchers who now describe AI in terms of rationality and acting rationally, which does not limit how intelligence can be articulated. 

AI applications include advanced web search engines (e.g., Google), recommendation systems (used by YouTube, Amazon and Netflix), understanding human speech (such as Siri and Alexa), self-driving cars (e.g., Tesla), automated decision-making and competing at the highest level in strategic game systems (such as chess and Go).[2] As machines become increasingly capable, tasks considered to require "intelligence" are often removed from the definition of AI, a phenomenon known as the AI effect.[3] For instance, optical character recognition is frequently excluded from things considered to be AI,[4] having become a routine technology.


Module 1

Introduction to AI: history, Intelligent systems, foundation and sub area of AI, applications, current trend and development of AI. Problem solving: state space search and control strategies. 

Module 2

Problem reduction and Game playing: Problem reduction, game playing, Bounded look-ahead strategy, alpha-beta pruning, Two player perfect information games.

Module 3

Logic concepts and logic Programming: propositional calculus, Propositional logic, natural deduction system, semantic tableau system, resolution refutation, predicate logic, Logic programming.

Module 4

Advanced problem solving paradigm: Planning: types of planning system, block world problem, logic based planning, Linear planning using a goal stack, Means-ends analysis, Non-linear planning strategies, learning plans.

Module 5

Knowledge Representation, Expert system

Approaches to knowledge representation, knowledge representation using semantic network, extended semantic networks for KR, Knowledge representation using Frames.

Expert system: introduction phases, architecture ES verses Traditional system.

Lesson Plan



Module - 1.pdf


Module - 2.pdf


Module - 3.pdf


FOPL Examples Solution.pdf

FOPL Example

Module - 4.pdf


Module - 5.pdf


Strips for Monkeys and Banana Problem.pdf

Strips for Monkeys and Banana Problem





