
A PDF version of my CV including a publication list can be downloaded here.


asymptotics, degenerate-parabolic equations, fluid mechanics, free-boundary problems, higher-order equations, invariant manifolds, moving contact lines, non-equilibrium systems, nonlinear integro-differential equations, partial differential equations, regularity theory, rheology of glasses, stochastic partial differential equations

A regularly updated list of publications is also available on Google Scholar, on ORCID, or on ResearchGate. Many preprint versions are available on Publications in mathematical journals can also be found on Mathematical Reviews (MathSciNet). Preprint versions may sometimes differ from the published ones.


P3) Solitary waves in a stochastic parametrically forced nonlinear Schrödinger equation (with Rik Westdorp and Joris van Winden)

     submitted, arXiv:2403.04625 (2024) (32 pages)

P2) Classical solutions to the thin-film equation with general mobility in the perfect-wetting regime (with Anouk C. Wisse)

     submitted, arXiv:2310.20400 (2023) (40 pages)

P1) Solutions to the stochastic thin-film equation for initial values with non-full support (with Konstantinos Dareiotis, Benjamin Gess, and Max Sauerbrey)

     submitted, arXiv:2305.06017 (2023) (36 pages)

Publications in peer-reviewed journals (published or accepted, selected publications are marked with *)

PJ21 Higher order moments for SPDE with monotone nonlinearities (with Jochem Hoogendijk and Mark C. Veraar)

      to appear in Stochastics, arXiv:2203.15307 (2022) (30 pages)

J20) Droplet motion with contact-line friction: long-time asymptotics in complete wetting (with Lorenzo Giacomelli and Dirk Peschka)

     Proc. R. Soc. Lond. 479(2274) 1-23 Article ID: 20230090 (2023) (23 pages), arXiv.2302.03005 (2023) (19 pages)

*J19) Multiscale analysis for traveling-pulse solutions to the stochastic FitzHugh-Nagumo equations (with Katharina Eichinger and Christian Kuehn)

      Ann. Appl. Probab. 32(5) 3229-3282 (2022) (54 pages), arXiv:2002.07234 (2021) (45 pages)

*J18) The Cox-Voinov law for traveling waves in the partial wetting regime (with Anouk C. Wisse)

      Nonlinearity 35(7) 3560 (2022) (33 pages), arXiv:2107.01974 (2022) (24 pages)

*J17) Non-negative Martingale Solutions to the Stochastic Thin-Film Equation with Nonlinear Gradient Noise (with Konstantinos Dareiotis, Benjamin Gess, and Günther Grün)

Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 242(1) 179-234 (2021), link to view-only version (free of charge) (56 pages), arXiv:2012.04356 (2020) (50 pages)

J16) The stochastic thin-film equation: existence of nonnegative martingale solutions (with Benjamin Gess)

      Stoch. Process. Appl. 130(12): 7260-7302 (2020) (43 pages), arXiv:1904.08951 (2020) (38 pages)

J15) Towards sample path estimates for fast-slow stochastic partial differential equations (with Christian Kuehn and Anne Pein)

      European J. Appl. Math., 30(5): 1004-1024 (2019) (21 pages)

*J14) Stability of receding traveling waves for a fourth order degenerate parabolic free boundary problem (with Slim Ibrahim and Nader Masmoudi)

      Adv. Math., 347:1173 – 1243 (2019) (71 pages); arXiv:1704.06596 (2018) (54 pages)

J13) Variety of unsymmetric multibranched logarithmic vortex spirals (with Volker Elling)

      European J. Appl. Math., 30(1):23–38 (2019) (16 pages)

*J12) The Navier-slip thin-film equation for 3D fluid films: existence and uniqueness (with Mircea Petrache)

      J. Differential Equations 1265 (2018) 5832-5958 (127 pages); arXiv:1710.09903 (2018) (86 pages)

J11) Traveling-wave solutions for a thin-film equation relevant for the spin-coating process (with Hyeon Jeong Kim and Hans Knüpfer)

      European J. Appl. Math. 29(3), 369-392 (2018) (24 pages); preprint version (24 pages)

J10) A dynamical systems approach for the contact-line singularity in thin-film flows (with Fethi Ben Belgacem and Christian Kuehn)

      Nonlinear Anal. 144 (2016) 204-235 (32 pages); arXiv:1602.02733 (36 pages)

      Correction of Lemma 4.8

J9) Rigorous asymptotics of traveling-wave solutions to the thin-film equation and Tanner‘s law (with Lorenzo Giacomelli and Felix Otto)

      Nonlinearity 29 (2016) 2497-2536 (40 pages); MPI MIS Preprint 45/2015 (44 pages)

*J8) On the regularity for the Navier-slip thin-film equation in the perfect wetting regime

      Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. (2016) 222: 1285. doi:10.1007/s00205-016-1022-y (53 pages); (2015) (40 pages)

      Correction of conditions (3.37)

*J7) Well-posedness and self-similar asymptotics for a thin-film equation

      SIAM J. Math. Anal. 47(4), 2868-2902 (2015) (35 pages); Download PDF

*J6)  Effective temperatures of hot Brownian motion (Gianmaria Falasco, M.V.G., Daniel Rings, and Klaus Kroy)

      Phys. Rev. E 90, 032131 (2014) (11 pages); arXiv:1403.4040 (2014) (11 pages)

*J5)   Well-posedness for the Navier-slip thin-film equation in the case of complete wetting (with Lorenzo Giacomelli, Hans Knüpfer, and Felix Otto)

      J. Differential Equations, 257 (2014) 1, p. 15-81 (67 pages); MPI MIS Preprint 1/2014 (67 pages)

J4)  Regularity of source-­type solutions to the thin-­film equation with zero contact angle and mobility exponent between 3/2 and 3 (with Lorenzo Giacomelli and Felix Otto)

      European J. Appl. Math., 24:735-760, 10 (2013) (26 pages); MPI MIS Preprint 23/2012 (31 pages)

J3)   Asymptotic analysis of mode-coupling theory of active nonlinear microrheology (M.V.G. and Thomas Voigtmann)

      Phys. Rev. E, Vol. 86, No. 1 (2012); DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.86.011406 (16 pages); (2012) (17 pages); MPI MIS Preprint 22/2012 (17 pages)

J2)   Generalised Einstein relation for hot Brownian motion (Dipanjan Chakraborty, M.V.G., Daniel Rings, Jens Glaser, Felix Otto, Frank Cichos, and Klaus Kroy)

      EPL, 96 (2011) 60009 (2011) (6 pages); arXiv:1110.3734 (2011) (6 pages + 10 pages supplemental material)

*J1)   Schematic models for active nonlinear microrheology (M.V.G., Igor Gazuz, Antonio Manuel Puertas, Matthias Fuchs, and Thomas Voigtmann)

      Soft Matter, 7, 1390–1396 (2011) (7 pages); KOPS (2011) (7 pages)

Unpublished preprints

U1) Non-Isothermal Fluctuation-Dissipation Relations and Brownian Thermometry (Gianmaria Falasco, M.V.G., and Klaus Kroy)

      unpublished, arXiv:1406.2116 (2014) (5+4 pages)

Collaborators (32 in total)