Group Members

Group Leader

Dr Katie Moore 

Senior Lecturer in Materials Characterisation


Telephone: +44 (0)161 27 51025

Visiting Address: Photon Science Institute, The University of Manchester, Alan Turing Building (Room 3.324), Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, UK

Postal Address: Physics and Astronomy Stores, Schuster Building, The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL, UK


Technical Specialist 

Dr Kexue Li


Visiting Address: Photon Science Institute, The University of Manchester, Alan Turing Building (Room 3.324), Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, UK

Postal Address: Physics and Astronomy Stores, Schuster Building, The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL, UK

Google Scholar

Post Doctoral Research Assistants

Dr Norton West (2023- Present)

Dr Xingzhong Liang (2022- Present)

PhD students

Yizhuo Ding (2021 - Present)

Macaulay Turner (2022 - Present)

Eleanor Ender (2022 - Present)

Laura Noone (2023- Present)

Past Members

Dr Sadia Sheraz (Post-doctoral Research Assistant, 2018-2020)

Dr Chris Jones (PhD student 2015-2020, Post-doctoral Research Assistant, 2019-2020) - Thesis

Dr Samar Aldossari (PhD student, 2015-19) - Thesis

Dr Rebeca Lopez (PhD student, 2015-19) - Thesis

Dr Connaugh Fallon (PhD student, 2015-19)  - Thesis

Dr Yasser Al Aboura (PhD student, 2014-19) - Thesis

Nian Wang (visiting PhD student, 2018-19) 

Dr Alex Clarke (PhD student, 2014-18)- Thesis