

In 2014 I proposed that the middle school at JIS develop a Makerspace. We already had a Makerspace course and design technology, but I wanted to created a space where students could just come in during their breaks and lunch and have the freedom to be creative. What evolved was an awesome learning space combining technology, design, and art. I'm going to miss the space I created and the students and the creative atmosphere that fills our Makerspace everyday. Hopefully one day I will get the chance again to create a creative space for a school.

Here are some resources and pictures to get your creative juices flowing if you are planning a #makerspace room in your school.

Click here to get a 360 degree view of the Makerspace I set up at JIS.

Early Years comes to the Design Thinking Class to Make Junk Bots

Project Ideas

Piano Stairs

Our Inspiration

Our Attempt