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My Last Perfect Day

If at the end of today, I discovered it was my last day here on earth, this is what I would want it to look like... My goal is to have as many days, throughout the rest of my life, look like this as possible.

6:00 AM: Wake up and spend time with God (give Him thanks, make requests & spend a lot of time listening)

7:00 AM: Visit in unhurried time with Jody (talking about today's plans)

7:30 AM: Fix breakfast for our children with Jody

8:00 AM: Sit down and have breakfast with our children & Jody (talk about what they're excited about in the day)

9:00 AM: Work with a high level of excellence and significance in what I do

12:00 PM: Lunch with Mom & Dad (laugh & enjoy their company)

1:00 PM: Work with a high level of excellence and significance in what I do

5:00 PM: Visit with Jody & our children... and help prepare dinner

5:30 PM: Dinner with Jody & all nine of our children

6:00 PM: Clean up after dinner with Jody - watch the kids playing out the kitchen window

6:30 PM: Unhurried time playing with our children (what they want to do)

8:00 PM: Tuck in David, Jack & Mia (pray with them and listen to the thoughts in their hearts)

8:30 PM: Hang out with Daniel, Dustin, Paige, Emily & Macy (unhurried, loving time)

10:00 PM: Visit with Jody (watch a movie, goof off, whatever she feels like doing to relax)

11:30 PM: Pray with Jody and express my sincere love for her

11:59 PM: Drift off into eternity with my Savior