Turning the FabLab and Makerspace into the new classroom

The third training activity for teachers/educators and the first learning activity for students have been carried out simultaneously at AFP Patronato San Vincenzo in collaboration with, Fablab Bergamo and MakerConvent Barcelona. In total, 12 teachers/educators and 15 students spent 5 working days collaborating in training, learning and exchanging good practices in using Fablab/Makerspace as innovative spaces in the fields of education and training. 

Objective: During this activity, teachers/educators and students have experienced lessons and workshops held in a Fablab.  During the activity, different lessons and artefacts have been provided and different competences has been developed: experiments for education have been showed and 2 workshops: 1) Physics and Science at Fablab; 2) Humanistic subjects at the Fablab

Results: At the end of this activity, teachers and educators had a clear idea of the main features of a FabLab/Makerspace and they knew how to use these spaces and tools for teaching. Students have experienced forms of active and collaborative learning thanks to more involving, unstructured and laboratory-style learning environments. 

Outputs: The participants designed specific projects thought to develop specific competences or to teach specific theoretical subjects (mathematics, geography, history, language, communication etc.).

This third activity was coordinated by Vittorio Paris, vice president of Fablab Bergamo.