FabLab/Makerspace 101 – modelling of teaching artefacts

The first training activity has been carried out at AFP Patronato San Vincenzo (Bergamo - IT) in collaboration with Fablab Bergamo, associated partner of the project. In total, 15 participants (3 teachers/educators per Project Partner) spent 5 working days collaborating in training and exchanging good practices in using Fablab/Makerspace techniques, tools and spaces in the fields of education and training.

Objective: During this activity, teachers and educators have acquired useful information and competences about the Maker Movement and the characteristics and equipment of FabLabs and Makerspaces. 

Results: At the end of this activity, teachers and educators had a clear idea of the main features of a FabLab/Makerspace and they knew how to use digital modelling for designing useful artefacts for teaching. 

Outputs: The participants drafted the design of specific artefacts thought to develop specific competences or to teach specific theoretical subjects (mathematics, biology, geography, history, language, communication etc.).