How to create teaching artefacts by using rapid prototyping tools and machines

The second training activity was held at MakerConvent in Barcelona and during the five days of training participants learnt about educational maker activities and how they can build them with pedagogical and curricular approach. 

There were sessions on programmable boards (Arduino, Micro:Bit, Makey Makey) to learn how to organise an educational activity around collectively building a 3D printer and how to build activities designed to be inclusive. We will also visited the municipal project Ateneus de Fabricació Digital and we had first-hand experience of teachers and students from a public high school applying educational maker activities.

Objective: During this activity, teachers and educators have acquired pedagogical insights about the implementation of maker activities inside a curriculum and how to create activities from scratch to obtain an educational object. 

Results: At the end of this activity, teachers and educators had a clear idea of the main tips of connecting educational objectives with the planification of the maker learning activities. 

Outputs: The participants developed all steps of an educational maker activity design and created a prototype.