Mandalorian Protectors Costuming Club

Though we may include some information on the MPCC for those who want it, we do not represent them in any way. You should contact the MPCC chapter for in depth assistance.

Per their site:

About the Mandalorian Protectors Costume Club

In 2020, Ola Raas decided to form a new Star Wars costuming club focusing on the Mandalorian culture as presented in Star Wars media and merchandise.

This club was to be run by fans for fans with no unnecessary bureaucracy, no oppressive rules, no drama.

Under the provisional name of The Cuy’val Dar (Mandalorian for “those who no longer exist”), the unofficial title for the group of Mandalorian instructors for the Clone army on Kamino, she created a group for possible members on Facebook and after a core of members were assembled, brought the club to the attention of Lucasfilm Ltd who welcomed us with open arms.

When the membership expanded, a voting pertaining to the final name of the Club, was initiated. The members decided that the new name would be The Mandalorian Protectors Costume Club.

Since then The Mandalorian Protectors have attended various Star Wars-themed events across the United States as well as in Europe.

The goal of the Club is to give fans of the Mandalorian culture a home, support each other in the celebration of their mutual interest in Star Wars, and ultimately spend time together at Conventions and other events.

Between events, much of the communication is flowing in the Facebook Group and the Club’s forum.

How to join The Mandalorian Protectors

In order to join The Mandalorian Protectors you need to build a movie-quality Mandalorian costume, send in the required amount of meaningful photos of yourself wearing it and pass the approval process.

Your application will reach the Club at:

Candidates are encouraged to start their own Work-In-Progress (WIP) thread in the respective part of the Club’s forum. Here you can document your build and get feedback which may help you to achieve Club membership.

You will find out that the Club’s costume standards allow for a good amount of individuality. However, please keep in mind that you should not try to mix and match the various armor styles too much. After all, you will want to be recognized as a Mandalorian when you wear your outfit.

If you are not sure about anything regarding your project or want the opinion of an experienced member, feel free to reach out to the leadership board and let them know.

After all, we want you to succeed in your endeavor of becoming a Protector and not to leave you frustrated.