
Tamara - Escapec198ede324438adafe9a3302fae4597acfe47c180e535fc388792006639c25a7.mp4


Escaping the battle of procrastination.

I like many other procrastinators do everything in order to avoid doing the task at hand. Being productive can be very difficult and motivation can also be difficult to uphold.'cyberfloating' leads to procrastination to guilt to stress. As a result of modern technology, it has become easier to waste time. I wanted to create this idea as I personally find it difficult to bring myself to do something productive. I have always found it difficult to motivate myself to do work without restrictions(as in a classroom I have to make notes whilst listening to the teacher) or deadlines, these have always been my motivating factors but in the long term, these factors are not sustainable. For my wellbeing including my mental and physical health. An easy-access app with the only intention to benefit me and motivate me without the distractions of mindless entertainment would help me combat procrastination allowing me to escape from the downward spiral.

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