Visit and Services

Site of sensibilisation 

and education of environment, 

touristic site, 


urban parc, 

Avesnois botage. 

Since 1983, la maison du bocage is dedicated to rural nature and landscape specific features avesnois. 

Through its hedge, flora and assembly, go to the exploration of this exceptional bocage country. From this protected territory, inhabitants made it to extract the best to create, among other, flowers of our land; le maroilles. The exhibition that is focused on it, explains it to you and tells its story. Also learn how, contrary to Mankind, a captivating small insect made it perfectly to make use of all the resources of this unique landscape. All along the year, temporary exhibitions occurs in our place. 

Pedagogical and botanical garden since 2015 

 Museum made of biodiversity, proposes to discover flora and wildlife with different progressive themes and offers pedagogical actions for all. It is also a relaxation space, situated around an outhouse museum. 

Bocage, forest 

Finally, go out with one of our nature animators on the observation path in order to understand botany better and learn the essential part of hedge, as the water’s flow, biodiversity and its usefulness… An identical forest route will allow you to discover this environment, its role, its wildlife and its flora. 


Museum : 

exhibitions room access are free for all independant and free visit audio guide museum is free through qr code on your phone to complete your visit permanent exhibition : botanic, milk, bees

Permanent exhibition Raymond Debieve temporary exhibition (according to the annual calendar) 

old agricole machines : orchard

 cob hood 

traditional barn 

buildings architecture

 traditional forge 

guided visit “museum garden” are possible according to disponibilities and on reservations You want to exhib (themes around nature, warming environment, wildlife/flora) contact us. meeting and all, you want to present a subject (themes around nature, warming environment, wildlife/flora, agriculture, botanic..) lecture theater disposal with a capacity of 50-60 persons on theater adjustment, numerics equipment. Contact us! 

Botanical and pedagogical garden : 

Botanical and pedagogical garden : exterior garden access is free for all. 

Independent access public and free space, stroll, exploration, relaxation, research and observations. 

For all the amateur gardeners to the botanists. 

Wild garden, natural, landscape, a

rcher and urban tree-filled parc 

2ha of biodiversity from urban environment to botanical 

audio guide garden is free through qr code on your phone to complete your visit 

pedagogical pond 

natural meadow (wild flora, tree structure ferns ) 

ethno botanic garden 

traditional orchard 

conservatory orchard 

progressive collections and thematics 

assay garden (permaculture mound, flowers..) 

Botanic and forest at proximity 

sens route 

Animations et ateliers groupes (scolaires, IME, associations, centre de loisirs, adultes ...) ONLY FRENCH

Avec nos guides et animateurs nature sur réservation uniquement : 

Animations nature et jardin:

Le bocage (sortie découverte-différentes thèmes). 

Découverte de la forêt 

Faune et flore à découvrir

Le monde de la mare 

La biodiversité 

Le jardin ethnobotanique 



Différents thèmes nature et jardin sur demande ...


Nous proposons un escape game en Français:

Nous vous proposerons un escape Game gratuit.

Vous avez 60 minutes pour trouver la plante qui vous sauvera avant que le cabinet du botaniste ne soit détruit!

De façon ludique, à vous de résoudre ce jeu d’énigmes installé dans une pièce insolite de la maison. Un escape Game éducatif sur la botanique, pour découvrir ou faire découvrir cette science de façon ludique. Plusieurs thématiques sont abordées à travers les énigmes : Architecture d’une fleur, classification par familles, modes de reproduction, écologie et habitats, clé dichotomique, ethnobotanique,…

A partir de 12 ans

6 joueurs maxi par session

Durée: 1h


RESERVATION obligatoire AU 0327598224

Stages-ateliers d'initiation ONLY FRENCH

A la demande et selon programmation/agenda 

Nature -bocage ... 

Agenda 2022 animations et ateliers ( 

Viens fêter ton anniversaire avec une activité plein air/ nature  ONLY FRENCH

Nous vous proposons de venir fêter l'anniversaire de votre enfant, sur réservation:

D'avril à octobre, nous vous mettons à disposition :

Groupe d'enfants de 10 à 15 maxi. 7-12 ans    

Prestation payante: 5€ par enfants maxi 15 enfants 

Nous pouvons vous proposer une prestation gâteaux (payant en supplément)

Sur réservation 03.2759.82.24 et

Initiations à la forge  ONLY FRENCH

  Avec un forgeron professionnel initiation à la forge (prestation payante) selon planning de stage forge

Journée découverte de deux "Jardins au fil du bocage Avesnois"  ONLY FRENCH

A la découverte deux jardins de l'Avesnois aux spécificités différentes.

Organisation d'une journée spéciale JARDINS 

 (Journée spéciale groupes)

Groupe de 12 à 50 personnes

Prestation payante 

Sur réservation uniquement

Japanese’s garden 

Japanese’s garden

 The botanical garden is built of extensions spread on the city of sains-du-nord too, nearby to la maison du bocage, at 500 meters, come to explore this calm place of 500 m2. Waterfall, trees, Niwakis, bamboo, pond… 

Free and independent entry 

From april 1st to october 31th from monday to friday : 8:30 am - 12pm / 1:30 pm - 6 pm Saturday and sunday : 10 am - 6 pm Entry on the middle of the little parking Rue docteur chevalier 59177, Sains-du-nord 

Meeting room - convention ( renting room) 

Meeting room - convention ( renting room) We’re proposing the renting of this meeting room/ convention to ½ day, entire day company, charity… charged services from 1h to 2h 50 euros ½ day 100 euros Complete day 170 euros (room and equipments, access to the entire site and nature settings caterer services in option, possibility of a guided visit of 45 min/1h , botany exploration hiking 1h30) From january to december, on reservation according to the planning Equipments : 50 to 60 chairs, tables,.. big screen tv with connection usb, hdmi, connected,... wifi, internet, paperboard coffee maker, mug,.. setup : theater : 50 to 60 seats scholar, u …; until 25 to 30 seats you want to present a subject (themes around nature, warming environment, wildlife/flora, agriculture, botanic..) lecture theater disposal with a capacity of 50-60 persons on theater adjustment, numerics equipment. Contact us! the renting is free for our partnerships 

Price : 

Free entry from april 1st to october 31th (opening hours)

Visitors services