
We are looking for motivated and creative students, postdocs, and lab specialists to join our team! We encourage applicants with backgrounds in diverse areas of science including physics, biology, or neuroscience. Contact Maijia for more info.

Maijia Liao 

Assistant Professor, Physics

Affiliated Faculty, Bioengineering

Maijia is interested in understanding the complex physical principles underlying cellular shapes especially neuronal dendrites! Outside of 

teaching and research, she enjoys music and exploring Boston!

The Liao Lab Heroes

Dongdong You

Dongdong You is currently a research technician in Maijia Liao's Lab at Northeastern University. She received her Master's degree at ShanghaiTech University and is well-trained in genetic and molecular biology. Her current research focuses on studying microtubules in Drosophila sensory neurons.

Chainathan Santhanam Sudhakar (Sai)

Sai is a Master's student in Computer Science at Northeastern University with a passion for AI and Machine Learning. He is deeply intrigued by the complexities of Deep Learning, Computer Vision, and Natural Language Processing. 


Sehjin Jo (undergraduate student helper, 2024/2-2024/5, now lab technician at Brigham and Women's Hospital)

Zhongwei Zhang (co-op student 2024/1-2024/6)