
Constitutively informed Particle Dynamics

The modern frontier of computational mechanics is striving to describe the effect of microstructure on the mechanical response of materials. Atomistic models describe some of these aspects at length and time scales far remote from the macroscale. On the other hand, continuum models smooth out the underlying discreteness and rely on the constitutive description of the microscale effects. The existing discrete models are bottom-up approaches and they describe a very limited range of macroscopic constitutive behaviour. 

Hence, I have developed a novel discrete particle method to describe materials with evolving microstructures. I have studied a few paradigmatic problems involving a material undergoing structural phase transformations. The emphasis is on the influence of martensite morphology and ledge on the stress-strain response of shape memory alloys. 

A systematic top-down discrete method called constitutively informed particle dynamics (CPD) is presented here in a nutshell. This novel approach is very broad and can be applied to many material behaviours.

In my model, the body of interest B is taken to be composed of N discrete particles which may be arranged uniformly or distributed irregularly through the domain.

The interacting neighbours and their multi-body interactions are defined based on Delauney triangulation.

Multi-body Interaction

Deformation of the body under applied load is shown with emphasis on the specific triangle composed of three particles. The interaction of these particles is defined as a negative gradient of the energy of the triangle. 

The energy of the triangle is expressed as volume times free energy of the material through the Lagrangian strain (F is the discrete analog of deformation gradient). 

The trajectory of particles is obtained by solving newton's equations of motion with the above novel definition of force.

Material behaviours described using CPD

Thermally induced martensitic transformation

Polyconvex free energy is considered pertinent to the material undergoing structural phase transformations. By reducing the temperature many martensite nucleus forms at random locations. They grow and impinge upon one other to generate the final martensite microstructure.

The observed microstructure shows the alternate arrangement of martensite variants (Blue and red colour in figure) in an equal volume fraction typically seen in SMAs which leads to property referred to as "self accommodation".

Twin boundaries are oriented +45 or -45 to reference austenite phase which results from compatibility conditions.

The microscale features affecting the stress-strain response are,

Influence of morphology on stress-strain behaviour

Propagating Ledge

Movement of the twin boundary happens through propagation of ledge along the boundary. Our simulation shows emitting dispersive waves from the moving ledge.  The obtained relation between driving force and velocity of the ledge shows stick-slip nature. This is the first attempt in literature to capture dispersive waves in 2D.

Sharp needle like twins

Size effect on morphology

Influence of grain orientation

Shape Memory Effect

Annihilation of a twin during detwinning

Effect of temperature on detwinning

Other material behaviours described using CPD

Brittle crack

Brittle crack branching

Work in Progress

Heat transfer by conduction

Ceramics under thermal shock