Mahendaran Uchimali, Balkrishna C Rao, Srikanth Vedantam (2020), Constitutively informed multi-body interactions for lattice particle models, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 366 (113052).
Formulated a novel multibody interaction directly from continuum constitutive free energy for the discrete element models
Validated the particle interaction for isotropic and orthotropic elastic material behaviors.
Applied the model to describe fine-scale features (crack and phase & twin boundaries) and their evolution.
Mahendaran Uchimali, Balkrishna C Rao, Srikanth Vedantam (2021), Modeling size and orientation effects on the morphology of microstructure formed in martensitic phase transformations using a novel discrete particle model, Acta Materialia 205 (116528).
Size effect on the resulting self-accommodated martensite morphology and its influence on macroscopic response is studied using newly developed DPM.
Described the stick-slip kinetic relation and corresponding dispersive waves from the moving ledge.
Mahendaran Uchimali (2021), Effect of stress on the thermal hysteresis of martensitic transformations - A continuum based particle dynamics model, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures
Thermal hysteresis during the temperature-induced phase transformation is described using newly developed DPM.
Prestress's effect on thermal hysteresis and the corresponding martensite microstructure is analyzed.
Mahendaran Uchimali, Srikanth Vedantam (2021), Modelling stress-strain response of shape memory alloys during reorientation of self-accommodated martensites with different morphologies, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures
The shape memory effect (thermal transformation and detwinning) is described using newly developed DPM.
The influence of martensite morphology on the stress-strain response during detwinning is studied.
Venkatesh, Srikanth Vedantam, Mahendaran Uchimali (2022), A discrete particle model study of the effect of temperature and geometry on the pseudoelastic response of shape memory alloys, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences
The effect of temperature on the stress-induced transformation is studied.
The influence of temperature and specimen geometry on the pseudoelastic stress-strain response is analysed
Mahendaran Uchimali, P Sittner (2023), A Brief Review on Discrete Modelling of Martensitic Phase Transformations, Shape Memory and Superelasticity
The developmental roadmap of the discrete element approach is discussed.
The DEM is ability to describe the phase transformation and plastic response is reviewed.