Research News !!

2018: M. Mahajan was selected for Finn Wold Travel Award for 32nd Annual Symposium of “The Protein Society”, Boston, USA

2014: Reaxys PhD Prize club have selected "β‐Hairpin Peptides: Heme Binding, Catalysis, and Structure in Detergent Micelles" as one of the 45 best published articles. M. Mahajan was one of the finalist for “Reaxys (Elsevier) PhD Prize 2014” and participated in "Annual Reaxys Inspiring Chemistry Conference" from September 21 – 24, 2014 at the spectacular Swiss mountains in Grindelwald, Switzerland.

2014: The inside cover picture shows a rationally designed heme‐binding transmembrane protein (HETPRO) in a lipid bilayer. HETPRO assumes an anti‐parallel dimeric helical structure in the apo form. On p. 1257 ff., S. Bhattacharjya and M. Mahajan show how, with heme, HETPRO assembles into a four‐helix bundle with peroxidase activity that is a model system for electron transfer across lipid bilayers.