What Magento CMS has Innovative for eCommerce Development in 2021?

The E-commerce industry is known to offer innovative experiences to buyers and it is all because of the Magento CMS. Users prefer using mobile devices to buy online from groceries to clothes. In 2021, the online selling industry is expected to reach almost $1.5 billion worldwide. Magento is sparing no effort to meet the consumer requirements to remain at the top of market share. It is a widely used e-commerce platform and seeing its popularity every enterprise invest in Magento Website Development when looking to start selling online. After being acquired by Adobe in 2018, the CMS has gone through several changes, getting integrated with advanced and highly-effective features.

In this blog post, we are going to discuss what exactly Magento team is going to offer innovative in 2021 for vendors. Businesses, startups, and entrepreneurs are looking for reliable Magento development services to reach potential buyers and gain a competitive advantage. If you own an online store, then it becomes crucial to integrate these upcoming trends.

1. Headless Commerce

Smart phones are slowly replacing desktops and becoming a preferred choice of the shoppers. Therefore, merchants and website Magento developer must evolve with the trend. This is where headless commerce becomes crucial and delivers remarkable experiences to customers. This latest addition will help merchants to shift from monolithic designs to improved micro-service stacks with headless architecture. It is a faster and easier approach to build a website or app with increased conversion rates.

2. Live Streaming

Live streaming has become a game-changer in the social media world. It is the most convenient way to connect with potential customers. But E-commerce still hasn’t adopted it properly and is trying to integrate this feature to boost revenue and user engagement. Considering the benefits, Magento has integrated this feature to online selling businesses. Now, sellers can provide a live demo of products through broadcast on the website or any social media platform. With live videos, it has become simple to drive more traffic as audio-video provides more clarity about products.

3. Intelligent Commerce

This trend has completely changed the way of shopping for customers. When you visit an online store and browse products, you see recommendations and you click on that item or add it to your cart. As per reports, over 60% of online buyers make their purchase decisions based on recommendations. Amazon spends 25% of their sales on building personalized recommendations. All this is possible with the support of Artificial Intelligence, a technology that Magento eCommerce Development has integrated for sharp product suggestions. This is just the beginning as Magento is working on another amazing feature of live search powered by AI.

4. Eco-Friendly

Consumers are taking ecological issues quite seriously and their consumption decisions are based on it only to a great extent. Buyers are continuously putting pressure on the manufacturers and sellers to adopt an eco-friendly approach in business. Over 75% buyers feel that brands must contribute to improving the environment structure with waste reduction, CO2 production, plastic packaging, and more. Magento developers are also sharing this ethical and corporate responsibility and have added it as a top trend for 2021.

Wrapping Up:

With all of these new and improved features, Magento 2 development will continue to be the first choice for brands that want to digitally transform their customer experiences. Along with these updates, the CMS is working on a mechanism so users and developers can easily search for patches without worrying about the support. So, with this in mind, just build a great commerce experience for your customers. Reach out to an experienced Magento Commerce team to start your journey.