
(in press) A Quantification-Based Approach to Plural Pronoun Comitatives. to appear in Advances in formal Slavic Linguistics 2022

12/2023 Commonalities between plural pronouns and quantifiers: Evidence from Slavic PPCs and Icelandic Pro[NP] constructions. In Suet-Ying Lam and Satoru Ozaki (eds): 139-149, Proceedings of NELS 53

07/2023 (with Edgar Onea) Book Review, Todor Koev: Parenthetical Meaning. English Language and Linguistics

08/2022 The interpretation of the German additive particle 'auch' (too, also) in quantificational contexts. In Remus Gergel et al. (eds): 95-115, Particles in German, English, and Beyond. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing


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