selected talks and presentations

12/2023 Two of a kind: Slavic PPCs and Icelandic Pro[NP]s. Invited talk at the Jezik & Linguistics Colloquium, University of Nova Gorica

09/2023 You don't have to be rich to be my complement: PPCs and Pro[NP]s. accepted as Talk at SinFonIJA 16, Masaryk University Brno

05/2023 Just the two of 'us': Plural Pronoun Constructions in Slavic and Icelandic. Invited talk at the Linguistics Colloquium, University of Graz

03/2023 Not under (re-)construction: Proposition integration of inclusory appositions. Talk at the 45th Annual Meeting of the DGfS, University of Cologne

01/2023 Plural pronouns as quantificational expressions. Poster presentation at NELS 53, University of Göttingen

11/2022 'We with Peter' under quantification: Plural Pronoun Comitatives revisited. accepted as Talk at InSemantiC2022, University of Porto

11/2022 Additives in Apposition. accepted as Talk at InSemantiC2022, University of Porto

10/2022 A Quantification-Based Approach to Plural Pronoun Comitatives. Talk at FDSL 15, Humboldt Universität Berlin

02/2021 Along came a quantifier: The interpretation of the German additive particle 'auch' inside (and outside) quantificational structures. Invited talk at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin

05/2019 Additivity? A Matter of Superset-to-Subset Inferences. accepted as Poster Presentation at GLOW 42, University of Oslo

04/2019 Additives, Quantifiers, and other unorthodox Liaisons. Talk at the New Approaches to Focus workshop, University of Graz

03/2019 Epistemic vs. concessive 'at least': A matter of epistemic uncertainity. Talk at the 41st Annual Meeting of the DGfS, University of Bremen

01/2019 Additivity 2.0: Superset-to-Subset Inferences. Talk at the Particles in English, German, and Beyond workshop, Saarland University

11/2018 Resolving an 'at least' ambiguity. Poster Presentation at the AmbiGaP workshop, University of Tübingen

09/2018 Getting epistemically uncertain with 'at least'. Talk at the Summer School on Intonation and Word Order, University of Graz

07/2018 At least a new perspective on 'at least'. Poster Presentation at the AMBIGO workshop, University of Göttingen

12/2014 'Mindestens/Immerhin/Zumindest': An analysis based on scales. Talk at the Annual Meeting of the Austrian Linguistics Society (ÖLT), University of Vienna