Maddox Larson
Undergraduate Philosophy Student
Creighton University


Maddox Larson is pursuing a Bachelor of Arts with a major in Philosophy and minors in Economics and Mathematics at Creighton University.

Currently, Maddox is a Summer Undergraduate Research Fellow at Creighton University researching the history of epistemology of faith in the Christian tradition under Dr. Zachary B. Smith.

His research interests are in epistemology, philosophy of science, and philosophy of religion. He is interested in the ways humans interact and exchange with one another and especially how this impacts the use of knowledge and the development of our world views.

Maddox's work appears in The Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Review and Social Philosophy Today. He has presented at 3 undergraduate philosophy conferences and 1 scholarly philosophy conference during his undergraduate career.

Following graduation in spring 2025, he plans to pursue graduate study in philosophy in order to become a professor and scholar of philosophy.

In my free time, I enjoy completing computer programming/mathematics challenges, reading philosophical and literary fiction novels, and watching TV sitcoms.

(You can view my solutions to Project Euler problems on GitHub.)