How to do Affiliate Marketing the Right Way

A lot of people go into Affiliate Marketing and they think it is that easy to do. It sounds so simple, all you have to do is to just recommend or promote a particular product or platform and you will be paid commission for every sales you make.

What most people do is to bombard social media platforms with their links and hope that someone will buy from them.

You might get one or two success here and there but it will not make you successful. The right way to actually do affiliate marketing is to build an audience of people who trust you and are in good relationship with you. It might take some time to build, but once you are able to build it, you will find out that it is worth the effort.

Let us do the math. Let say we want to evaluate two different methods of doing affiliate marketing under the space of 6 months. The first method is to bombard people with your affiliate link and the second method is to build an audience and then promote to them.

For the first method, the person using it might think it is better to bombard social media platforms with the link without providing relevant contents. The problem with this is that the more you do it, the more people will report you and you will get banned from the platform and when you get banned all your messages and effort will be deleted. So all your hard work has gone to waste, just like that.

By the time it is 6 month you have got banned so many times and each time you will have to start from beginning. In the end you will find out that you have not really made much because no one will buy from you.

For the second method, it might seem hard at the beginning because you are not really selling anything much, you are just building trust and relationship with your audience by providing them value and solution to their problems.

By the time you start promoting your product to these audience, you will see them more willing to buy from you because they trust you and they accept your recommendation. By the end of the 6 month you will see yourself closing more sales everyday without putting much work and effort because the load of contents you have created will continue to drive sales for you automatically and you will start earning passively.

I think the problem why most people get it wrong with Affiliate marketing is because they do not get proper training on how to get started with Affiliate marketing. They focus more on the success, so they do all matter on things to achieve that, instead of building the foundation first for which their online business empire will grow on.

So if you are planning to do Affiliate marketing the right way, then you need proper training because the more you know the more you earn. Tai Lopez said that the greatest thing that can help anyone succeed is Knowledge. Knowledge is the key.

To start today with a training, I highly recommend you take this training which has helped so many Affiliate marketer to earn over $500 everyday. It is totally free to get started with the training, but if you want to go deeper into understanding how to make 7 figures from Affiliate marketing from the training program then you will have to pay for the membership. It is definitely worth the investment.

The name of the training program is called Super Affiliate Network, I am also an affiliate for the program. If you want to join, you can join through my link which will be below.


To succeed in affiliate marketing you need to build an audience that trust you and listen to you. Take out that early stage of your affiliate marketing journey to build this audience and you will reap the abundant success as time goes on. Also never forget to learn more on how to succeed in Affiliate Marketing and take action. The best way to do that is to enroll into training that most successful affiliate marketers have gone through and have become what they are today.