CloudFunnels Elite One time Software Review

The Breakthrough Funnel Builder software

Hello guys,

Today, we will be reviewing the CloudFunnels Elite breakthrough funnel builder software. We will talk about what the software is all about, what the benefits of the software is and how you can get it.

Before you continue, if you want to check the product out click here

What CloudFunnels Elite is all about

Check out the video for the Product

CloudFunnels is a 100% fresh thought on funnel builders. We sat to address the most important pain-points of funnel builders and build a solution that will address them all period

Problem #1 — Funnel services go down a lot

You’ve experienced it before. Funnel platforms go down without a warning and leave you hanging. you never get an opportunity to turn off your expensive taraffic generation systems, your ads, etc.

Never with CloudFunnels! The only funnel software that you can install on your own server or on any cloud (GCP, AWS, etc).

Problem #2 — People Funnel-Hack your funnels

Just do a quick google search for your funnel builders name and anyone can discover the funnels hosted on that funnel builder.

It’s a big problem because marketing sharks can discover your sales funnels and copy them

Problem #3 — Expensive monthly charge and unexpected revisions

Today a funnel builder may be charging $397 a month, but 4 months later they can charge $497 a month and your customers won’t have an option but to pay or shut down.

When you’re hosting your funnels on a third-party your business .

Problem #4 — Funnel-builders aren’t customizable

You can’t change anything in your funnel builder even if you hire a programmer.

You don’t have access to the code base and you can’t adapt it for your needs

CloudFunnels Solves Every Problem & Brings You Features You’ve Never Seen

CloudFunnels is like the WordPress of funnel builders. It puts the power in your hands. You have total control and total security.

Plus, industry-leading features, the likes of which you just won’t find in any other funnel builder. Read on!

Now you know what the product is, you can get it here

Benefits of CloudFunnel Elite

CloudFunnels has some amazing benefits that will help your business close more sales and have more profit. The following are the benefits

  1. It is extremely reliable

  2. it is cost effective (only cost $27/month or $67/year)

  3. You can host on your Dedicated server, Shared hosting, VPS, Google cloud, Digital Ocean and more

  4. You can use its Unique Page Duplication System to clone any live funnel from Clickfunnels, Kartra etc.

More Powerful Than Any Other Funnel Builder You’ve Been Using

CloudFunnels brings you features that no other Funnel builder has even thought about

Breakthrough #1: Support for AMP

AMP or Accelerated Mobile Pages technology is a key tech from Google. When you support AMP, Google can cache your page on their server and deliver them on high-speed network.

  • Your Customers will have an amazing experience on Mobile

  • Your pages will load ultra fast

  • Google will rank your pages here

Breakthrough #2: Cloud & Server support + support for Google AppEngine

CloudFunnels is the only funnel software that’s build to be controlled 100% by you. You can host it anywhere you want, including your server and cloud

Wherever you install it, it’s 100% self update.

Best of all, we have an in-built integration for Google App Engine

You can run your sites on Google’s legendary infrastructure for FREE or at no cost.

We’ll even show you how!

Breakthrough #3: Support for Zapier

Love to Zape it up? CloudFunnels supports Zapier Automatically take your orders and other transactions to any platform you want through Zapier.

Breakthrough #4: Inbuilt AutoResponder + Support for major autoresponders

CloudFunnels has a full-fledged autoresponder inbuilt so you can mail your mailouts and sequences with nothing but CloudFunnels. Not only that, it also supports all major payment system.

Breakthrough #5: Support for Payment Platforms

In-build support for Paypal, JVzoo, WarriorPlus.

More coming on demand!

Breakthrough #6: GDPR Support

CloudFunnels is the only funnel builder that has full support for GDPR requirements.

Your European customers will love you for this.

Breakthrough #7: Powerful SEO features

The only funnel builder with the SEO features that you need to get organic traffic for your business. With AMP, Caching and powerful on-page SEO, build websites that rank faster.

East To Use & Powerful Page Builder included

  • 15+ Readymade Templates included

  • Supports Multiple Websites

  • Can Be Installed on sub-domains and subfolders

  • Host Anywhere

  • Powerful Reporting & Transaction Review

  • 100% Control Over Members & Products

  • Blazing fast. Reasponsive & Optimized

How to get the software

This product is a completely innovative product that changes the way we do thing. if you wish to get it. The Amazing part is that it cost only $27 per month and $67 per year to use the platform. This is extremely cost saving for any business.


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