How I made $5,000 in 2 Months just by having a Website as a Beginner

What is going through your Mind right now is, " What!!, $5000 in just 2 month with an ordinary website, How?".

Yes it is extremely possible and I will tell you how if you are able to read to the end of this post.

In this article you will find the following

  1. Introduction

  2. How you can make money from your Website

  3. Platforms,Tools and Training you need to start marketing money from your Website

  4. Strategies to Make Money from your Website like the Pros

  5. Bonus Strategy on how you can drive over 5,000 traffic to your Website in just 1 day even if you wrote the post that same day.


When you open your Google search engine and you type in anything, results are shown to you. Then you go into one of the websites and you find contents that are helpful to you. Most times you spend a lot of time on the website reading the contents and other times you go to an eCommerce store like Amazon, eBay and the rest through those websites and you buy something that you love.

This is simply how an average internet surfer sees a Website, but it goes beyond that. In fact these websites most times make over $10,000 each month for the owners just by you visiting the website. You did not buy anything, you just visited the website and just like that you are making money for the owner.

I know you may be wondering "What the heck, how are they making this money? "

In the next section I will expose you to the methods and means these website owners make money from their site.

How you can make money from a Website

One of the fastest ways to make over $5,000 a month from a Website is by Blogging. With Blogs you can integrate numerous income streams that can together make you a ton of money.

Some of income streams are listed and explained below

  1. Ads

When you go to almost any standard website and you see those colorful banners at the side or at the bottom, they are not designs or decoration. They are Ads run by these websites. You do not have to click on them for the website to make money, you just have to be on the website.

That means all you have to do as someone who has a Website is to create valuable contents that will keep bringing people to your website and you will keep making money as those Ads are shown to them.

That is pretty easy right, but do not think it is that easy. You will get to know why soon.

  1. Sponsored Contents

This is simply when a company or a brand pays you to write something about them on your blog. These companies use this method to advertise their product or services.

The thing about this kind of income stream is that you need a lot of traffic on your website on a daily basis because these companies want a lot of traffic on their product and you have got it.

So if you want to be successful in Sponsored Content blogging you have to first build your audience and have a massive following.

I really do not recommend this for beginners because it takes time before you see results. You can do it if you already have the audience and you have other income sources.

  1. eCommerce

For this income stream you are selling a product of yours. It can be an eBook or a physical product, it can be anything.

The most commonly used eCommerce platform for most websites is wooCommerce. It is a WordPress Website that allows you to sell products.

So if you have any product that you want to sell online, you can use your own website to sell it.

  1. Drop Servicing

You might not have heard of this new business model online. It is similar to Drop Shipping but Drop Shipping deals with physical products like T-shirts, Cups and the rest.

In Drop Servicing you are dealing with services. This is how it works.

Here you are selling services like Graphic Design, Copy Writing and the rest. What you do is to find a freelancer on platforms like Fiverr and Upwork that charge maybe $5 to $20 for graphic design. What you then do is to design an extremely high quality professional website that sells services like that.

Because your website is high quality and professional, you drive top paying clients and companies to your website, you charge them something like $200 for that same graphic design.

Now the client will pay you because you appear high quality and they have the money. Once you receive that massive amount of money let say $200 from this client, then you pay the freelancer his or her $20 to design the graphic for your client.

Once the job is done, you have made a profit of $180 from the transaction.

The concept is pretty new and only few people do it. Personally I do not do it, I kind of find it tasking and unpredictable.

The reason I say this is because you are dealing with two fronts. First you have to find a freelancer that will be willing to take up that contract and make sure that he or she does not know you are making serious profit from his or her cheap services.

Just imagine finding out that the logo you designed and charged $20 for is being used on one of Microsoft products and you heard that Microsoft paid $2,000 for the logo you designed. How would that make you feel, knowing that you could have that profit.

The second front is convincing big companies and brands to come to your website and pay for your services. Although you can leverage the fact that these big companies like to go for expensive things because they believe it has more value. So you can leverage that in convincing these companies.

But once you get it right, the profit is out of this world.

  1. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is an extremely simple business model in which all you have to do is promote or recommend other people's products and once you convince someone to buy through your link, you will be paid commission for your sales.

This is the fastest way to make money online with zero investment, zero skills and zero know-how. Just recommend products to people that need that product, once they buy through you, you get straight cash.

Most websites use this a lot. Let's take for example a Mobile Phone or Tech Gadgets website that shows new phones and their specs. Normally you go there to find reviews on their devices and once you find the one you love, you click on the buy button and it takes you to Amazon and you buy the phone and you are happy.

But little did you know that the website you got the Review which then redirected you to Amazon actually got commission from your purchase.

So if 1,000 people visited the website and bought a phone for $200 and from each sale, the website got a commission of $20. That means the website has got $20,000 in profit.

Now you start to see why affiliate marketing is done by many website owners. It is simple and costs you almost nothing to start.

If you start a Website or Blog, I recommend you start Affiliate marketing for that website, because it is really easy to start and make money from it.

I know you are pumped already and you want to get started already, it is as easy as it sounds, If you do not know what you are doing you do not make any money from Affiliate marketing. In fact it is said that over 90% of people that start affiliate marketing fail.

Some of the reasons are that they do it the wrong way and affiliate marketing is becoming too saturated because so many people are doing it already. The competition is high.

But there are actually ways to succeed in Affiliate marketing and become a Super Affiliate Marketer earning 6 figures to 7 figures every year.

One of the ways is to enroll for training and courses that will teach you the secret in-depth of how to succeed in Affiliate marketing. Most of the training is totally free to get started with.

Once you master the art of Affiliate Marketing and you do it the right way, you can make money easily from your website for years to come. You will make money from sources you have forgotten about just because you set up the system properly.

The 5 ways I mentioned above are not the online ways but they are the most popular ways and one of the quickest ways to make money from your website.

Next I will give you details of all the tools and training you need to set up a Website and make serious passive income from that website. You definitely need to read this part and take action on the tools and training I will mention because you need to get it right for you to actually start making money from your website.

So keep reading if you are still interested to get started making money from your website.

Platforms, Tools and Training you need to Start Making Money from your Website

In this section I will take you through all that you need to get started making money with your website.

You will get to know the best Platform to write your Blogs, the best Web hosting service to host your website, the best strategies to take in order to make serious money from your website just like the big guys in this field and the best free training programs that will get you ready and teach you all that your need to earn from $0 to 6 Figures per year.

If you are ready let us dive and make some money for your website.

Platform to Write your Blogs

There are many platforms out there that you can write your Blogs but for most of them you do not have control over the contents and activities on your Blog.

Some of these platforms are





and more

You are allowed to write on these platforms, but you can not really monetize them. They will not allow you. Most of them will even suspend you when you monetize. So you need a platform that gives you all the control you need as a Website owner to monetize your website and put any content there.

The best so far is WordPress is totally Free to use, once you set it up the right way, you can literally do anything you want on it. It is left to you.

So if you are serious with blogging then you need I said not They are different.

With, WordPress hosts the website for you and you have to pay them and you do not have much control over what you do just like the other Platforms I mentioned above.

You need more freedom and control, so you need to get

Now you know the Platform to blog on, let us move to the best Web Hosting service.

Web Hosting Service to use

When it comes to web hosting services to use there are so many choices. We have BlueHost, goDaddy, SiteGround, Hostgator and much more.

Personally I would recommend you go for BlueHost because you are using and WordPress as a company has endorsed BlueHost as the number 1 most recommended Hosting service for WordPress websites.

Also, when you use BlueHost, you get a Free Domain name and their hosting subscription fee is the cheapest in the market compared to other hosting platforms.

The actual trump card of BlueHost is their hosting Uptime.

You may not know what Uptime is. Uptime simply means how long your website will be available to your visitors. What this means is that at a particular time when someone visits your website, your website will be down and they will not be able to get access into your website.

This is actually the most important part of any hosting service. You want your website to be up 99.9% of the time and the good news is that only BlueHost gives a 99.9% Uptime to the website.

And the beautiful thing is that you can get this 99.9% Uptime even with their lowest level subscription plan.

If you eventually upgrade to Dedicated IP plan, you actually get a 100% Uptime on your website. I do not think there is a hosting platform that does this.

So you definitely need to start hosting with BlueHost.

If you want to register with BlueHost you can do so with the link below. If you register from this link you will get 60% off your monthly hosting subscription fee.

It is now time for the best strategies to make money with your Website.

Strategies to Make Money with Your Website like the Pros

When you read articles or blog posts like this, or watch YouTube videos, you see this guys that tell you they make over $10,000 per month from their website and by the end of the year they are making Six Figures. The question in your Mind will be How? Just how are they doing this?

In this section I will take you step by step through the process and strategies that these guys use to make that kind of money.

If you are excited and really want to know, let dive into it and start making serious passive income.

Below are the steps and strategies :

Step 1

You Pick a Profitable Niche.

If you do not know what a niche is, it is a common interest shared by a group of people.

We have niches like Health and Fitness, Relationship, Wealth, Food, Travel, Parenting and much more.

But you actually need to pick a niche that is profitable and you know that people in it are always sending money in it.

Discovery and Research has shown that the below niches are the most profitable,

  1. Wealth / Finance

  2. Health and Fitness

  3. Relationship / Dating

People in these niches are always spending money one way or the other.

People want to learn how to make money, so they pay for consultancy and training or they invest in Assets such as Gold, Stock Market, Real Estate and the rest.

People want to be healthy and look fit, so they pay for Gym subscription, they buy Supplements, they buy Fitness courses and more other things.

People want to look good and attractive and get into a relationship with the love of their life, so they buy Clothes and Fashion Accessories, they pay for courses and training on how to get into relationships.

Now you see how profitable these niches are, and I know even you yourself want these things in your life and you will pay for them.

Once you pick any of the three profitable niches that you are most passionate about then you can move to the next step.

Make sure you are really interested in the niche, because if you are not, you will find it hard to keep up with the stress and frustration of running a Website or s Blog. When things get hard, only your passion will keep you going. This is important to note.

So, since that has been cleared, let move to the next step or strategy.

Step 2

Write Valuable Content that Solves People's Problems

No one wants to read a blog article about you except your mom. Always write a blog or content about what people are having problems with and give them the best solution you can give.

So, you have to make research on solutions to the problems you want to solve in any niche.

It is said in the online business world, that

" Content is Key"

People buy with their emotion, if you solve their problem even a little, they will buy whatever you tell them to buy and the beautiful thing is that they will come back and still thank you.

So provide valuable content, if you really want to make serious money.

When I say content, I do not mean you should write 10 average and short blog articles in 2 days, so that you can have a lot of content online. No!. All you need is quality and rich contents, even if it is just 1 or 2 or 5, as long as it gives real value then you will start to see money come in, it does not matter if it takes you weeks to finish it.

Once you finish writing this really valuable content you need to drive traffic to your blog and I highly suggest you use the following platforms.

  1. Pinterest

  2. Flickr

  3. Twitter

  4. Tiktok

  5. Instagram

  6. YouTube

Anyone you can get you hand on, use it well and drive traffic to your post. Also make sure your content is really SEO friendly and it can rank high on Google search engine.

If you want to learn more about SEO you can search on YouTube and other material on how to optimize your website.

So now you have a niche, you have valuable content and you have a traffic source. Let us now move to how you can actually make money.

Step 3

Pick a Monetization Method

I showed you 5 monetization methods which include

  1. Ads

  2. Sponsored Content

  3. E commerce

  4. Drop Servicing

  5. Affiliate Marketing

Personally I will advise you to start with Affiliate marketing and Ads. You will make more money fast with Affiliate marketing.

Even with small traffic a month, you will make a lot from Affiliate marketing.

With Ads you need large traffic on your Website before you can see the reason for the amount of money.

I told you early that you need proper training to be able to do Affiliate marketing the right way. Without this training you might not make any money or you might make insignificant amounts of money from Affiliate marketing.

I highly recommend this free training to get you started. Once you get a hold of Affiliate Marketing and you start making money then you can take it to the next level by buying the advance training program that will teach you how to make Six Figures every year.

The training is called Super Affiliate Network, it is totally Free to get started with, the link to join is below.

If you do not want to do Affiliate marketing, because not everyone want to do it, and you want to do other online business like E Commerce or Drop Servicing or even Drop Shipping, I also have a training program for you that will teach you How to Start and Run a Profitable Online Business.

The program is called Six Figure Mentor. You will learn all and any form of online business you are passionate about there.

Also it is totally Free to get started with.

Here is how you join the training program.

The richest people in the world will always say "Knowledge is the Key to Success". The person with the best Education on anything is the person that succeeds the most in that thing.

Now you know the best ways to monetize your website.

If you are considering ads, make sure to check out AdSense or PropellerAds or any popular Ad network out there.

Let us move to the next step.

Step 4

Capture the Email Address of your Visitors, so that you can sell to them other products using Email marketing and Sales Funnels.

This is the actually the most important part of any online business. Having an Email list.

With an Email list, you have the contacts of people who are always ready to buy any product from you.

So when you write a blog, always or most times put a way to collect the emails of your visitors. You can use Google forms or you can use forms from Email marketing tools like GetResponse on your website site.

The beauty of using GetResponse is that it is built for Email marketing, so you can configure it the way you want to follow up with your visitors automatically.

Once someone keys in their name and email into the form from GetResponse. GetRespose will store these emails and it will start an automatic unlimited follow-up email sequence on these visitors according to how you configure it.

Another beautiful thing is that GetResponse can send unlimited emails and it can hold unlimited numbers of subscribers in your email list.

So once you set it up properly, you are sure that your visitors are getting engaged with your newsletter and Sales emails.

I highly recommend GetResponse, If you are looking for any Email marketing platform, it is one of the best in the market.

This is how you join

Also once registered, you automatically qualify for their Free Training on how to Grow an Email list from 0 to 10,000 in Just 90 days.

The training is actually helpful.

The next thing you need is a Sales Funnel. Sales funnels are extremely important if you are running any online business.

With Sales Funnel builders, you can create funnels or landing pages that enable any of your buyers to make a single decision which is to buy what you are offering and once they finish buying your front end product you can Upsell them another of your product.

Once they have gone through your funnel and out, you have made a lot of money from all the products you will sell to them.

If you are considering getting into building sales funnels, I highly recommend you use CloudFunnels.

The reason is because it is one of the cheapest sales funnels builders and it has all and more features that most expensive sales funnels other there.

For most Sales Funnels other there, you pay between $97 to $397 just to host sales funnels in their platform and they will not let you host it somewhere else, that means you are caged to them.

But by using CloudFunnels, you only pay $27 per month or you pay $67 per year.

Check out how much you can save by using CloudFunnels compared to other Sales Funnel Builders.

In fact, it is a massive win for you because with CloudFunnels you will get features that you can not find in other Funnel Builders and also you can host your funnel anywhere you want. You have complete control what to do with your sales funnels. You can host on your Server, on Google cloud or on your hosting platform anywhere you want.

Just like you use WordPress to have full control over your website, you use CloudFunnels to have control over your Sales Funnels.

If you ever consider getting it, here is how

Do not worry too much that you have little knowledge about the Sales Funnels and CloudFunnels, I have prepared a video for you in that link above, watch the video, it will give you all you need to know about sales funnels and CloudFunnels.

Now you have seen how the Pros are doing it and making Six Figures and Seven Figures every year.

I also have a bonus strategy for your Email marketing strategy or campaign. You really have to read this strategy because with it, You can drive massive traffic to your website in just 1 day. I know you are excited already.

So let dive into it.

Bonus Strategy on how you can drive over 5,000 traffic to your Website in just 1 day even if you wrote the post that same day.

In this strategy, you will learn how to run Email marketing campaigns without an Email list.

Yes, it is possible and this is so because Udimi now offers a way for you to buy Email list of your target audience from trusted Sellers.

You only pay for clicks that lead to Sales.

Udimi has also put a system in place that makes sure that any engagement you get or any click you get is authentic and free from fraud.

So you will be sure that those clicks you are getting are from real people that are interested in what you are selling.

So how does this help you get massive traffic of over 5,000 visitors to your website in just 1 day.

Just analyze it a bit and see the opportunity before you. You have written an epic content that is properly monetized, then you go to Udimi and you buy an Email list of the audience that will be interested in your content.

Let's say the Email list is about 50,000, then you send your emails to them and let's say only 10% of them clicked on your website link. Doing the math, you see that is 5,000.

These 5,000 visitors visit your website and 10% of them buy from you. Doing another math, that is 500 people buy from you.

Let's say they all bought things worth $100, so 500 multiples by $100 you get $50,000 income from a single campaign with no Email list of your own.

So now you can see the opportunity clearly. You have just driven 5,000 visitors into your website in 1 day and you have made $50,000 and you could even make more if what you are selling is urgently needed for your visitors.

This kind of Advertisement is called Solo Ads and Udimi is the leading platform for such an Email Advertisement.

If you are looking at getting a Solo Ad for your new blog post, I highly recommend Udimi.

You can join from this link below and you will get a $5 discount for your first Solo Ad Campaign.

Now you are seeing clearer and clearer how these Pros are making Six Figures to Seven Figures every year.

It is things like this that they do to get the massive result you see.


Now you have seen how you can make $5,000 and more in just 2 month with your website as a complete beginner.

If you want to make serious money from your Website or Blog then I highly recommend you take action on all that you have learnt today from this article. It will go a long way to help you earn 6 Figures to 7 Figures in the long run.

It is not an assumption, it is something that has been proven over and over by so many people all over the world. It does not matter what country you are from or what age or situation you are in Life, you can replicate these steps and start making money from doing the things you love.

I hope you have gained a lot of value from this Blog of mine, if you want more contents like this check out my other Blog post and see if you will find something that will be of help to you.

Thank you for reading and expect more valuable contents like this.