Fall 2019 Project

Employment & Training Center

Newark, NJ

This proposal aims to redirect the negative trends of adolescents and young adults in the city going down the wrong path after high school. In order to help young adults find jobs and to spark careers, I am proposing an employment offices as well as a job training center. The parties involved include the people working for the employment office, the companies that train the individuals, and the community that is able to congregate in the public spaces of the project. Aesthetically, the project fits well in the context of Newark's Ironbound. The building's facade is composed of brick and glass, being designed with informed gestures that metaphorically respond to its urban surroundings.

In addition to the employment and training center, the other half of the strategy is implementing a large landscape intervention that is superimposed onto areas nearby the building site. It facilitates circulation throughout Ironbound as well as beautifying it. Within the landscape zones are public work spaces. The intervention has three points of access: Irounbound, Penn Station, and across the Hudson River to Harrison. These access points all congregate at the Center, which include a large accommodating lobby on the first two floors with retail areas and work/lounge spaces.

Contextual studies of Newark's vernacular

Final design

Interior & exterior perspectives