David Lapointe

Hey everyone my name is Will (David) Lapointe. I am from Waterbury Vermont which is located in the center of the state. I was born in Houston Texas but moved to Vermont when I was very young making me, in my eyes, a full on New Englander. I went to a public highschool and always have a love for math and science. Here at WPI I am majoring in Mechanical Engineering and loving every second of it. Along with academics I am involved with other things on campus like being a part of the Men's Varsity soccer team, affiliation with Tau Kappa Epsilon, and a representative for the Student Athletic Advisory Committee.

I am very outdoorsy and love a good adventure, whether that be camping or hiking the northeastern United states long trail. I love playing soccer and have been skiing since I was 2. Growing up on the mountain means I also love the cold and the winter. I don’t think there are many other things out there more beautiful than snow.

As a student I am very outgoing and like to challenge myself in whatever way I can. I also thrive in group work and enjoy being part of a final product that was created by a whole team of individuals who are all completely different. I can’t wait to work on my project and create the best piece of work that my team and I can possibly make.