
The M & S Walking Groups are the U3A False Bay's Moonshine and Sunshine walking groups.

The Moonshine Group walk on the afternoon of the Full-moon to arrive at the destination to view the sunset and moonrise while having supper and a toast to the occasion. We walk back in the light of the full-moon. Torches are used when necessary. Attendance is no longer subject to booking as the venues chosen are considered reasonably safe. On dates, of full moons, that are not scheduled a group, of members, may request a specific walk to suit their group.

The Sunshine Group walk mostly on Wednesdays. We have a great number of different walks available and try to not repeat a walk in the same year. The walks vary from easy to quite challenging. Members are encouraged to join walks that suit them and their level of fitness at the time of walking. Because of the U3A False Bay meeting on the third Wednesday of each month, we have a sunrise walk before the meeting. On the same day we have an afternoon walk from May to August inclusive. In Summer we try to do a Tuesday walk on the day before the meeting.

To join either or both of these groups you need to be a U3A member of any branch in the world.

Our email address is

Phone Walter at 0787594524

Facebook page