Supplementary education


The LEGO Educational Builders are a new toy that meets the requirements of the modern child. And, in the process of playing and learning, pupils assemble with their own hands toys that represent objects, mechanisms of the world around them. Children become familiar with technology, discover the mysteries of mechanics, develop skills, learn to work, in other words, they gain a basis for their future knowledge.


This club forms a curious and interested reader who knows the literature of his country and is ready to open himself to the culture and literature of other countries. The student-reader learns the basics of autonomous reading. By communicating with the books, he develops his memory, his attention, his imagination.


During the year, children learn to create amazing beaded crafts, jewelry and figures.

The programme "Preparing an Expedition to Explore the Kerzhenets River"

is designed to train a team for a summer research expedition

along the river Kerzhenets. The children will acquire research skills using modern digital equipment. will get knowledge about  water tourism, hiking and will test themselves in practice during field trips.

field trips. Students will acquire the skills of organising camping trips and orienteering.

camping, map and compass orientation skills, and the ability to assemble and disassemble

kayaks. They will learn the basic requirements for

camping places, and get information on proper nutrition during

camping, first aid, and

hiking safety rules.


The theatre studio develops children in different ways, here pupils try out different roles and learn the theory of theatre.


Students learn the art of ballroom dancing, which comes in handy at their graduation party.


Basketball, like all sports games, is an excellent way of maintaining children's health and increasing mental and physical development.

 This is especially relevant at a time when activities at school and at home are static, i.e. there is no physical exercise in a child's life.


Volleyball has a significant impact on the growth and development of the adolescent brain.

 The various influences during the game stimulate the maturation of nerve cells and the interconnections between them, and contribute to the manifestation of the adolescent's identity.

Youth Army

The programme is designed to provide a systematic and targeted approach to patriotic education and streamline preparations for the defence and sports and tourist games "Zarnitsa".


Systematic training in football has a comprehensive effect on future football players: the functional activity of the body is improved, the normal physical development is ensured. Engagement in sport also contributes to a number of positive qualities and character traits.

General physical training

This program is intended for students from 7 to 10 yearsold. It lasts 1 year. In order to achieve the best possible results, training sessions are structured in such way that general physical training and special physical training are alternated.

High school students participate actively in various Olympiads and competitions, for example in the All-Russian School Olympiad, which is organised in 24 school subjects, as well as in the conferences of the Eureka Scientific Society.