Lyceum museum and theatre

Lyceum History Museum

The Museum of High School No. 8 was founded in May 1980 at the initiative of students, teachers and parents of high school graduates who died during the Great Patriotic War, under the name of the Museum of the Dead in the Field of Honor. In May 1998, the museum was reorganized to become the History Museum of High School No. 8.

One of the most important areas of work of our museum is the search for former high school students who died during the Great Patriotic War. Museum board members have been conducting expeditions to the graves and death sites of former high school students for many years.

They use various sources, such as documents from the central archives of the Nijni Novgorod region, military registration and enlistment offices in other cities and regions, the letters of the graduates of the front, which are more than 300 in the main fund of the museum of the history of the school №8, all the documents on the history of the Second World War: the memories of the graduates, the printed documents of the newspapers "Gorkovskaya Pravda" and "Gorkovsky Rabochiy" from 1941-1945.

A school theatre named after N.N. Khrulev

                      Theatre studio
Supervisor: Troitskaya I. I., Higher Education Teacher
Aims and objectives of the course: mastery of communication skills, theatre skills, knowledge of theatre history, theatre culture; education of an ideal personality, sense of patriotism, citizenship, responsibility; creative skills training, general personal culture, love and respect for Russian culture.

Age of children: 6-17 years
The club's program is based on children's autonomy, includes work with the public and parents, and the publication of the newspaper "Theatrical Life" (winner of several competitions). An annual school theatre festival is organized.