Lyceum Code

Rights of the lyceum students

Lyceum students have the right to:

1.1 Protection of personal dignity and integrity

1.2 Freedom of expression

1.3 The establishment of clubs, sections, recreational groups and other associations which are not prohibited by law.

1.4 Objective assessment of knowledge and skills.

1.5 Material assistance from the general education fund, in accordance with the regulations in force on material assistance.

1.6 Receive the necessary information from the Lycée's management bodies.

1.7. Obtain health protection, normal working conditions and rest.

1.8. Choose complementary educational services provided by the school.

Responsibilities of students

Students must :

2.1 Follow the school programme.

2.2 Not be late for class.

2.3 Obey reasonable requests from teachers during class and breaks.

2.4 Protect Lycée property.

2.5 Comply with the decisions of the Lycée's management bodies.

2.6 Maintain cleanliness in the workplace, classroom and school.

2.7 Respect the ethics of social relations:

- Greet teachers, school staff, friends and acquaintances,

- give way to elders,

- help others when needed.

2.8 Take care of junior students.

2.9 Take care of their personal appearance and wear their uniform to school.

2.10 Follow the school rules for getting around. (going up and down stairs).

2.11 Maintain order in the cloakroom, dress in order of priority.

2.12 Respect safety instructions.


 It is forbidden to:

 Bring in, hand over and use in the Lycée :

- Weapons (firearms and knives),

- alcoholic beverages,

- narcotic substances,

- toxic substances.

3.2 Use any object or substance that may cause an explosion or fire (firecrackers, matches, lighters, aerosol cans, etc.).

3.3. Use physical force to settle disputes.

3.4. Extort money and other property.

3.5 Perform any action that clearly results in dangerous consequences for others.

3.6 Bring in and consume seeds, chewing gum, nuts that damage the cleanliness of the school premises.

3.7 Play gambling games.

3.8 Smoke, bring and pass tobacco products to others in the school and on school premises.

3.9 Be absent from school for any unexcused reason.

3.10. Tamper with school property, equipment and permanent structures.

Consequences of offences

A reprimand by order of the head teacher with notification to parents.

Convocation of parents and pupils who have violated discipline to the Prevention Council, with a statement of reprimand by order of the school headmaster. 

Referral of a pupil who has repeatedly violated school discipline to the Commission for Juvenile Affairs through the Children's Inspectorate, and imposition of a fine.

Expulsion from the school in accordance with paragraphs 3, 4 and 6 of school No. 8.

Reimbursement by the parents of a pupil for damage to property, equipment and permanent structures of the school. If the parents refuse to compensate the school for the damage caused, the case will be brought before the judicial authorities.