Reflections Finalists 2021-2022 Special Artists

Visual Arts - We can Change the World Together by Vedah Tuladhar

Grade 4, Ella Baker Elementary

Award of Merit - Special Artist * WSPTA Finalist *

If we all come together and raise our voice against racial prejudice, we may be able to build a society where no one is treated unfairly just because of the color of their skin.

Literature - Changing the world by Elissa Avila

Grade 5, Peter Kirk Elementary

Award of Excellence

If we all come together and raise our voice against racial prejudice, we may be able to build a society where no one is treated unfairly just because of the color of their skin.

Dance Choreography - The Bones by Vivian Liu

Grade 5, Rose Hill Elementary

Award of Excellence

Anything can happen, but the bones represent us as a beloved society, a group of people who helps each other up for success, etc. I can change the world by keeping us strong as a group.