LUM District Advisory Committee

On May 23, 2017 the AUSD has decided to close LUM school indefinitely

Alameda PressElementary School to Shutter 'Indefinitely' Due to Earthquake Safety Concerns

Press Release May 8th - Engineers question Lum closure plan

On April 26, 2017 the Alameda Unified School District publicly stated that there are possible unsafe building conditions at Lum Elementary in the event of a major earthquake, and is recommending that the AUSD Board vote to close the school and relocate students as of June 8, 2017. The Board is scheduled to vote on this recommendation on May 23, 2017.

Following the April 26th announcement, parents at Lum started our own District Advisory Committee (Lum DAC), in order to ensure safety and welfare of the Lum community, to work in cooperation with Board of Education and the AUSD, and to ensure the best possible solution for the entire AUSD and larger Alameda community. In the two weeks since we first learned that the AUSD was recommending closure and relocation of all 500+ Lum students to other AUSD schools, the Lum DAC has gathered together experts to help us assess the information upon which the AUSD is basing its recommendation.