Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy - Respecting your privacy

Lucky Les respects your right to privacy and is committed to safeguarding the privacy of customers and website visitors and adheres to all privacy policies as required by Google. 

This policy sets out how Lucky Les collects and treats your personal information.

 “Personal information” is information held which is identifiable as being about you."

 About Lucky Les

Lucky Les operates as an individual and develops apps as a hobby and has no affiliation with third party organisations other than the use of Google services for the purpose of managing and distributing Lucky Les apps.  

Lucky Les is committed to developing safe to use apps and works to comply with all Google policies, typically Data Safety, Advertising Policies,  Content Policy, News,  Financial Features,  etc.


Data Collection       

No personal data is collected by any Lucky Les app.  Only performance and analytical data is collected through the use of the app, this data is typically crash and app performance data which is used for performance analysis, bug fixes and app improvements. 

If an app user sends email feedback to the developers email address then the sender should not include any personal or sensitive information  and the feedback should provide sufficient information for the concern or feedback to be investigated.  As such no personal information , or app performance data will be used, sold, given away, or traded for goods or services. 

Collection of personal information

Lucky Les apps do not use or collect personal information, there are no user login or password requirements and no personal information is requested by the use of a Lucky Les app. The email feedback from the website process is the only process where personal information may be received by Lucky Les.  Details sent using the Email feedback process is typically the senders email address and other details provided by the sender in the context of the reporting a complaint or providing user feedback. 


How Lucky Les collects your personal information

The only process available for personal or sensitive information to be collected is through the email feedback process. Any user providing feedback to Lucky Les should not include any personal or sensitive information and limiting any information to essential information  sufficient to allow the feedback concern to be investigated.


Use and disclosure of your personal information

In the event that user feedback is received through the user feedback email process then any essential information will be used solely for the purpose to respond to the feedback.

Access to your personal information

Any personal information which may be received through the email feedback process can be requested by sending a request to Lucky Les.


Complaints about privacy

If you have complaints about the Lucky Les Privacy Policy please send details of your complaints to email address using the email link provided in the Contacts page. 


Security of your personal information

Lucky Les treats security of personal information with the highest level of importance. Any personal details provided by a user through the email feedback process will be deleted once the senders feedback has been addressed and acknowledged by the sender.  

Advertising cookies

When you use or activate advertising links on Lucky Les apps an advertiser as a third party provider may place a number of cookies files in your web browser. These cookies may be used for the following purposes: to enable certain functions of the advertiser’s service, to provide analytics, to store your preferences, to enable advertisements delivery, including behavioral advertising.

Cookies are small pieces of text sent by your web browser by a website you visit. A cookie file is stored in your web browser and allows the Service or a third-party to recognize you and make your next visit easier and the Service more useful to you.

Cookies can be "persistent" or "session" cookies.

What are your choices regarding cookies

If you'd like to delete cookies or instruct your web browser to delete or refuse cookies, please visit the help pages of your web browser.

Please note, however, that if you delete cookies or refuse to accept them, you might not be able to use all of the features offered by the advertiser, you may not be able to store your preferences on that that web session, and some of the advertisers web pages may not display properly.



Firebase is the Google Service used to collects app performance data, typically device model, android level, app start time and app crash information. Firebase performance and analytical data is used solely for the purpose of monitoring app health, to diagnose and fix bugs or crashes, or to make future performance improvements. The collection of crash and analytical performance data enables developers to understand the end users experience due to app failure.  

In the event of an app crash the collection of crash data, the developer (Lucky Les) will only download device and app information for the purpose of identifying the cause of the app crash.

According to the ‘Crashlytics' Terms of Service, Crashlytics collects data such as:

Device state information such as device id, model, name and version of the operating system.

Unique device identifiers

Location data - Country level

App usage data

App processes being used at the time when the app failure/crash occurred.


Changes to Privacy Policy

Please be aware that in the future Lucky Les may make changes to this Privacy Policy.  I may modify or change this policy at any time, in sole discretion and all modifications will become effective immediately upon posting or publishing of the modifications or changes on the Lucky Les web site. 

Please check back from time to time to review the Lucky Les Privacy Policy.

Privacy Policy version

Version 6.0     updated 18th November 2023


Version Control                                                                                                

Date-Version Details   

20/11/2018-1.0 First release 

10/12/2018-2.0 Added section “Advertising Cookies” 

19/09/2020-3.0 Added section “Firebase Crashlytics" 

16/12/2020-4.0 Updated email address  

28/10/2020-5.0 Added App Summary and

revised Firebase Crashlytics

18/11/2023-6.0 Revised all sections