Link 4            

Play Store Listing

Have fun with Link 4 or (Four in a Line) which is the classic brain teaser game, where you have to link 4 player tokens in a row, either vertically, horizontally or diagonally. This game has player vs player mode or player versus computer mode. The scoring method allows the traditional first to connect 4 tokens or the extended game version to play all 42 tokens. When playing against the computer at Level-1 the novice player will be successful and at the highest difficulty level the player can play strategically to win but needs to be careful to block the computer from winning. 

This game allows the most recent player names to be saved and retrieved as well as game sound options which can be activated or deactivated.  

Multi language support for game warnings and game menu help is available Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese and Spanish.

Key Features.


Link 4 requires permissions to read and write to internal storage. All write permissions are controlled by the user when user menu options are selected. The read and write functions are only required for the saving and presentation of game information.

Game information