Trail Tracker

Play Store Listing 


Use Trail Tracker to track your journey, stay safe when enjoying outdoor activities such as trekking, hiking, boating, walking, running or cycling. 

Trail Tracker overlays map coordinates onto a Google Map background.

As a journey proceeds, Trail Tracker uses a background process to record up to 5400 map coordinates which can be displayed as a map-polyline showing the travel path, pin markers show the starting and finish locations with details on remaining record time and the estimated distance travelled. 

The estimated travel distance is the sum of the calculated distance between sequential GPS locations. 

Journeys can be saved to the phone or shared using Email or a Cloud Storage service, Shared journeys can be imported into Google Earth are compatible with Google Earth to allow journeys to be saved and managed independent of Trail Tracker.


The journey recording option selects from 4 sample intervals. 


Sent SMS messages will contain a short status message which can be customised and fully controlled by the app user. The SMS message will also include the current GPS location which can be copied into a Google maps application to show your location. 

Tag and save 25 locations, map pins also show location information. This feature requires network connectivity for the location information to be displayed. 

Location data is obtained from Satellite GPS as the first choice and when satellite coverage is unavailable then network locations are provided using WiFi or Mobile Networks.  Network coverage can provide unexpected location errors with a range of 1-3Km, Trail Tracker discards these errors and it may show on the journey as a direct path between location points which may be more obvious when the journey is on a curved or non-straight path.

Menu options are dynamic, only showing the allowed options, as an example the option 'Show journey' will not be available if recording has not been started. 

The default map zoom can be set using the screen pinch or finger tap methods.  Map zoom settings are saved and used when the app is restarted. 

An option to disregard GPS coordinates reporting accuracy limits greater than 10,15,20,40 or 80 metres is available. Selecting an option to dismiss errors greater than a selected level will show a direct line between the points where the error was identified. The options then allows the change to be dismissed or accepted. 

Trail Tracker requires  



Feature Overview

Map Options 


Journey Options

Pin Options


Share / Import Options


Satellite Functionality

The primary locations are determined using GPS (satellites). By system design GPS location requires 4 satellites to determine the location and the degree of accuracy. When the satellite count is less than 4 satellites or while satellite coverage is unavailable a network listener is activated to provide location data created from Mobile or Wifi networks while satellite coverage is unavailable. When satellite coverage restores the network listener is deactivated to conserve battery.

Location Accuracy

Special Options


GPS Accuracy

GPS Accuracy.ppsx