Working Groups

Low surface-brightness Science (Leads: Aaron Watkins, U. Hertfordshire,, and Mireia Montes (IAC,

SED fitting and Photometric Redshifts (Leads: Rebecca Bowler, Oxford and Sam Schmidt, UC Davis)

Galaxy Environments (Leads: TBD; call soon)

Galaxy Morphology (Leads: Jeyhan Kartaltepe, RIT and Garreth Martin, Nottingham)

Active Galactic Nuclei (Lead: James Mullaney, Sheffield)

Strong Lensing (Lead: Aprajita Verma, Oxford)

Survey Strategy (Leads: Henry Ferguson, STScI; Benne Holwerda, Louisville; Brant Robertson, UCSC and Denis Burgarella, LAM)

The work of the Simulations and Computational Techniques Working Group has recently been subsumed into the other Working Groups.Â